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June 25, 2005

Abigail Disney Donates $1 Million to the Investing in Women Campaign

The Global Fund is deeply grateful to Abigail Disney, Co-founder and President of the Daphne Foundation in New York City, for her generous contribution to the Investing in Women Campaign. Abigail traveled to Morocco and Egypt in April/May 2005 as part of a multinational delegation organized by the Global Fund for Women. The delegation visited urban and rural women's groups in nine countries in North Africa and the Middle East to learn about the most pressing issues women face. Shortly after returning from the trip, Abigail made this donation, stating, “I know this money will go directly to women’s groups, which are taking responsibility to improve their own lives.”

Posted by Kavita Ramdas on June 25, 2005 to Fundraising | Permalink


hi,i've tried to reach out to u introducing to u our proposal on assitance of unprevilaged people n HIV victims in our area of masaka but we didn't recieve any responce.please we shall be very greatiful to hear from u soon thrrough this address,God bless u.

Posted by: doreen | Aug 1, 2007 5:21:42 AM

hi,i've tried to reach out to u introducing to u our proposal on assitance of unprevilaged people n HIV victims in our area of masaka but we didn't recieve any responce.please we shall be very greatiful to hear from u soon thrrough this address,God bless u.

Posted by: doreen | Aug 1, 2007 5:22:55 AM

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